Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday 5 for July 17: Scattergories

  1. What random letter was generated by the online random-letter generator? (this doesn’t really count as one of your five questions) --> y
  2. With what famous person, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, would you most like to be stuck on a desert island? --> Yao Ming ..c",)
  3. What food item, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, can always be found in your pantry? --> Yams
  4. What song, whose title begins with the letter in question #1, always makes you feel good? --> Yellow by Cold Play
  5. What is your least-favorite film whose title begins with the letter in question #1? --> Yellow Taxi
  6. What unusual animal, whose name begins with the letter in question #1, would be a fun pet? --> yak...c",)
This is the first time I join this blog meme.


Roger Federer - An Interesting World Tennis Player Legend

I knew he is really great in tennis, but I am not actually telling something about the technical stuff of how he do his game.

I was quite fascinated to this young man after I read an article about him in one of the news magazine. Most of the players in his fields admire him. But its not the way he play why I am like him but because of one situation wherein his one of character become visible. Based on the magazine, one tennis player broke his neck during the practice session in Rome and ended in a hospital wherein the language is alien to him, then he received one note and it was came from Federer where as far as he remembered he played with him one or twice and Federer shows care.

With that part of the story, I was touched. Why? For the reason that, Federer himself shows compassion which you do not usually see to the person who are gaining lots of victory. For me he kept himself on the ground. And I like him for loving his game.


Transformer - A Movie To Review

I watched Transformer with my youngest sister few weeks ago because of the curiosity I had with this movie. A lot of people I knew gave me feedback that this is really a good film and I should not missed it.

Here is my thoughts for this movie.

I am really fascinated with the past pace of the story that Transformer showed in this film. I was actually become impatient what will be the next thing to happen. For me, the effects looks so real. As if the human can talk to a real giant robot. And for the story, I knew its unrealistic to happen but the coordination of the old history of transformer to the real world of human quite interesting and very creative (thanks to the out of the box imagination of the writer for the story of the second movie of Transformer...well for really rocks!!!).

In general, I had a great time watching the movie.


Monday, July 13, 2009

A History in 1989

1989 a year wherein I was very young and probably not aware what is happening around the world. But I just like to share something that I learned about this year or beyond after this year.

Here are some important facts that I discovered (maybe some just forgotten and just remember it again today):

- The Fall of the Berlin Wall
- Russia's Revolution
- World Wide Web

There are more facts but the three got me interested which really a big shift of the conditions of some place in the world where communism occurs and how the internet revolutionize our computing ways.

The article that I read was came from TIME magazine with issue date was June 29 - July 6, 2009. I think the article is also available online just go to TIME magazine website.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Everyday Is Brand New Day!!!

I used to tell to myself that everyday is a brand new day. This means that whatever happens from the past, it should not affect our hope for possible great things to happen today. And for me this is a good thoughts to share to everyone...


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Environmental Awareness

I just like to share my thoughts about environmental awareness. I see a lot of things happening around us that shows that people are now becoming aware of our environment current and even future conditions.

I just picked one of the old issue of TIME magazine, it is actually a supplemental magazine in TIME. The cover shows that the content are more into fashion. I did scan some of the pages until I found an article that interest me. The article title is "The New Gold Standard" if you want to read the whole article, you can read it online "The New Gold Standard" .

The article thought me a lot of things, although I am already aware that mining and related activities has a tremendous effects in our environment, the article shows that people are changing its way to do their business when it comes jewelries. It is great to know that people are becoming unselfish.

Because of the article, it made me realized that the jewelries that people are wearing means two things for me: aside that it represents wealthy and richness of the people, it also represents environmental issues. And those who are into this business should consider the truth about mining gemstones, gold, and the like has adverse effect to the nature. I learned that famous businesses are already engaging themselves. But I hope everyone into this business must take a serious consideration and put into action of how they do their business.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

4Th Of July - Our Previous Independence Day

July 4th was previously celebrated as Philippine Independence Day coincide with the US Independence day which is not surprising because US colonized my country before. This date had been observe to be our freedom day from 1946 to 1962.


Friday, July 3, 2009

When I Started To Like Reading?

There are times when I am trying to understand what things or stuff interest me, well I can say that lots of things, not only just one but more than one.

I am fond with arts, crafts, history, documentaries, travel, adventure, people, emotions, fictions, stories, business, news, politics, sports and a lot lot more.

I guess we can start in my reading interest.

Just an introduction for this kind of stuff. I started to become an avid reader (of any kind - not only one type of material) when I was in college. That time, I was taking up Computer Engineering course. Two years before I graduated in college, I was in state of thinking "What will be my future after my university life?" This triggered me to think what do I wanted to be, which led me to think what kind of work I wanted to have.

Computer Engineering course will either lead me to focus in hardware stuff job or software side. This helps me to think, "I can be a network engineer or become a technical engineer which will focus in electronics related jobs, automation and the like". Then, another thoughts told me, "I can have a software related jobs like programming and similar to this". During that time, I weigh both side and compare the pros and cons for better decision.

Then, I decided to focus on the software side. I wanted to be a programmer. With that decision, I started reading technical material stuff related to programming. My reading interest started there. Read technical programming books. From here I realized I love reading....well that was how it started...c",)


Coming Soon...

For the next coming days...this blog will be a little bit more active. I knew I am busy at work but like the way I see blogging, it is my freedom. I will try my best to think a topic that I will post if not everyday but I will make sure that I have post as many as I can for a week.

Until then...

The Explorer


Mind Readers


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